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Will the performance of a height control leveling valve be affected under different climate conditions (such as extreme heat, cold or humidity)?

Industry News

Under different climate conditions, the performance of the height control leveling valve will be affected to a certain extent. In high-temperature environments, elastic sealing materials such as rubber and silicone easily lose their original elasticity and sealing performance due to thermal aging. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause these materials to harden, become brittle, and even develop microcracks, thereby increasing the risk of gas or liquid leakage. Metal parts will expand due to heat at high temperatures, which may cause changes in the fit gap between parts, affecting movement accuracy and sealing effect. Especially for precision valve cores, valve seats and other components, slight thermal deformation may lead to a significant decrease in adjustment accuracy.
Traditional lubricating greases may melt, volatilize or oxidize at high temperatures, resulting in loss of lubrication effect. This not only increases friction and wear between moving parts, but may also cause malfunctions such as seizure or overheating. For leveling valves with integrated electronic control units, high temperatures will accelerate the aging process of electronic components and reduce their service life and reliability. High temperature may also cause the solder joints on the circuit board to melt, short circuit the circuit, or damage the insulation layer, causing control failure or system paralysis.
During the design and manufacturing process, priority is given to materials that can maintain stable performance in high-temperature environments, such as high-temperature silicone, Teflon and other high-temperature sealing materials, as well as high-temperature alloys and other high-temperature resistant metal materials. Through reasonable thermal layout and heat conduction design, the temperature of key components inside the leveling valve is reduced. For example, heat sinks can be provided on heat-sensitive components or heat dissipation measures such as forced air cooling can be used.
Use lubricating grease specially designed for high temperature environments to ensure that it can still maintain good lubrication performance under high temperatures. At the same time, solid lubricants or self-lubricating materials can also be considered to replace traditional grease lubrication. Provide sufficient isolation and heat dissipation treatment for electrical components to ensure that they can still work normally in high temperature environments. In addition, high-temperature-resistant electronic components and circuit materials can also be used to improve the overall high-temperature resistance of the system.
In low-temperature environments, the brittleness of materials such as rubber and plastic will increase significantly, resulting in reduced sealing performance or component rupture. This also increases the risk of gas or liquid leakage. At low temperatures, the fluidity of lubricating grease becomes poor and may even solidify into a solid state, resulting in a greatly reduced lubrication effect between moving parts. This will not only increase friction and wear, but may also cause malfunctions such as jamming. Low temperature will reduce the sensitivity and response speed of electronic components, resulting in a decrease in control accuracy and response speed of the control system. This may affect the adjustment accuracy and stability of the leveling valve.
Likewise, materials that can maintain stable performance in low-temperature environments should be prioritized during the design and manufacturing process. For example, low-temperature sealing materials such as low-temperature silicone rubber and polyurethane can be used to make seals. Use lubricating grease or lubrication method suitable for low-temperature environments. For example, you can use low-temperature grease or use a grease heating system to ensure the fluidity of the grease at low temperatures. Choose electronic components and circuit materials that can work stably in low temperature environments. At the same time, heating devices can also be used to maintain the temperature of electronic components within the normal operating range.
Moisture and corrosive substances in humid environments will accelerate the corrosion process of metal parts, leading to rust, pitting and other phenomena on the surface of the parts. This will not only affect the appearance of the leveling valve, but also reduce its sealing performance and durability. Moisture in a humid environment may enter the interior of the electrical control unit through gaps or holes, causing the circuit board to become damp, short-circuited or damaged. This will seriously affect the normal operation of the leveling valve and the stability of the control system. Leveling valves that remain in a humid environment for a long time may also breed microorganisms such as mold, affecting the appearance and performance of the equipment. The growth of mold consumes oxygen in the air and produces harmful substances, adversely affecting equipment and the environment.
Strengthen the waterproof and moisture-proof design during the design and manufacturing process to ensure that the shell and interface of the leveling valve have good sealing performance. Measures such as waterproof rubber rings and waterproof coatings can be used to improve the waterproof and moisture-proof capabilities of the equipment. When selecting materials, give priority to metal materials with good corrosion resistance, such as stainless steel, aluminum alloy, etc. These materials have good corrosion resistance in humid environments and can extend the service life of equipment.
Clean and maintain the leveling valve regularly, and remove dirt and moisture on the surface in a timely manner. Devices such as desiccants or dehumidifiers can be used to reduce humidity levels in the environment and prevent the growth of microorganisms such as mold. Fully isolate and protect electrical components to ensure they can still work properly in humid environments. Measures such as waterproof shells and moisture-proof glue can be used to improve the waterproof and moisture-proof performance of electrical components. At the same time, you can also regularly check the working status of electrical components to discover and deal with potential problems and failures in a timely manner.